25 November 2009


The wise are generally of the opinion that despite all-round knowledge and development in various fields we lack the requisite wisdom to give a human touch to life. Science has undoubtedly exploded the myths of religious dogmas but has not given any value-based system so far. It has only added to the scepticism and uncertainty. No doubt science and technology have changed the face of the world, but on the human front we have not made any progress worthy of the name.
Mankind is passing through critical times. We have come to possess the power of self-destruction. Even a minor friction born out of hatred and mutual jealousy can lead to a cataclysmic situation. A glittering civilization is on the brink of a precepice. We have to retrieve it from such a situation and make it durable and immune from violence and total destruction. The whole responsibility for this is on all those institutions and individuals who are primarily engaged in moulding human beings. We, therefore, have to begin with the mind which needs to be re-educated so as to remove the sense of aggression, jealousy and hatred. Stung by such poisons, mankind is riven by artificial divisions of caste, creed and colour. There is conflict, there is tension, there is violence and there is bloodshed. There is, therefore, an immediate need for viable doctrines which interpret man not only in the true sense but also bestow on him the humane touch for living life accordingly. In fact, there is a dire need for the immediate humanisation of mankind.
Man is the crown of species and is related to the Cosmos and Ultimate Reality in the most holistic sense. Man has the inherent potential to rise above the self in this very life and can become a source of humanitarianism and universal love. The very existence and practical life of prophets gives us the hope that it is not only worthwhile but also possible to create a society with a culture overflowing with human kindness and universal brotherhood. As man is largely
influenced by his environment and cultural ethos, it is but natural that we should aim at re-establishing values that tend to create an overall environment conductive to moulding the mind of man towards humanitarianism.