13 November 2009


In the infinity of life, all is perfect, whole and complete.
Live therefore in harmony and balance with entire creation.
Deep at the centre of your being, there is an infinite well of love.
Allow this love to flow to the surface
So that it fills your very being and radiates out from you in all directions
and returns to you multiplied.
Sharing love makes you feel good;
it is an expression of your inner joy, love thyself;
While taking loving care of your body, mind and spirit.
Enjoy with love vibrant health and energy.
Let vibration of love fill your self and your surroundings,
so that all who enter your life, feel this love and be nourished by it.
Love thyself; and totally release the past.
Be free and forgiving by living totally in the Holy Name experiencing your
life breath in each and every moment.
Have faith in the Almighty, knowing that your future is bright and joyous
and secure, for you are a beloved child of the Universe,
and the Universe lovingly takes care of you
now and forever more. All is well in your world.