21 November 2009


Intuition and insight are two words which are often used in spiritual parlance, just as
reasoning and logic are used in physical sciences. The physical sciences are known
for the systematic study of physical phenomena on the basis of input from sensory perception. According to paranormal theory, we are also blessed with extrasensory
perception which perceives the Truth directly.

This extrasensory perception which comes to a person all of a sudden is called ‘intuition’ or ‘insight’. The dictionary meaning of intuition is “knowledge from within or quick perception of truth without reasoning or logic”. It happens to a person in the moment of silence of mind or deep meditation when the mind gets tuned to super- consciousness. In a moment of mystical wonder when the thought process stops, a flash of light shines in the heart, giving us a clue as to what to do and what not to do in particular circumstances.
Intuition is the innate ability in everyone to perceive truth directly - not by reason, logic or analysis, but by a simple knowing from within. This is the actual meaning of the word ‘intuition’, to know or understand from within - from one’s own self, and from the heart of whatever one is trying to understand. Intuition is the inner ability to see behind the outer forms of things to their inner essence. This intuitive ability is latent within all of us. It can be developed consciously to bring clarity to all our decisions.
Intuition is neither feminine nor masculine. Sometimes we hear people talk about
‘feminine intuition’, because intuition relates more to the feeling aspect of human nature. Intuition, though, is present both in men and women, yet women are often more intuitive in their understanding of other people because they are heart-prone. But the truth is that intuition is a calm, impersonal feeling. Women often experience life more through feeling in the form of emotions; men often tend to be more impersonal. A combination of these two qualities is what produces intuition.