16 November 2009


We read in one of the Buddhist scriptures, ‘The Tathagata has no theories.' If anyone came to Buddha with the intent of merely satisfying an idle curiosity with respect to metaphysical problems, he was certain to be disappointed.
One day one such inquirer came to discuss theories of the soul and the world and the problem of knowledge. Buddha observed that if one has been wounded by a poisoned arrow and refuses to accept help from the physician until he has learned the exact nature of the man who wounded him - to what caste he belonged, his stature and his complexion - such a one would indeed be foolish. Some questions Buddha dismissed as useless and unnecessary, while others, he said, could not be answered in logical terms.
In the same way, the Upanishads admonish us to give up vain talk, for it brings “weariness to the tongue”. Moreover, they speak of the truth “which words cannot express”. “The mind,” they say, “comes away baffled, unable to reach it.”
Buddha, like the sages of the Upanishads, insisted that one should experience the truth for oneself. In the Upanishads we read, “I have known, beyond all darkness, that great Being of golden effulgence. Only by knowing Him does one conquer death.” There is no other way of escaping the wheel of birth, death and rebirth. Truth is to be known by one's own inner exertions.
Buddha also exhorted Ananda, “Be lamps unto yourselves. Be a refuge to yourselves. Take yourselves no external refuge. Hold fast to the truth as a lamp. Hold fast to the truth as a refuge. And whosoever, Ananda, either now or after I am dead, shall be a lamp unto themselves and a refuge unto themselves, who takes no external refuge, but - holding fast to the truth as their lamp, and holding fast as their refuge to the truth - shall not look for refuge to any one besides themselves, it is they, Ananda, among my bhikshus, who shall reach the very topmost heights! But they must be anxious to learn.”
“But they must be anxious to learn”; and to learn one must experiment - an action demanded by all the great religious teachers of India . For them essential religion does not lie in dogma or creed, in doctrines or theories, but in experience alone. From the Vedic age to our own, every spiritual leader has declared this primary truth - that one must realize God in one's own soul.