21 July 2010


If we want to illuminate our house, if we want to eradicate the darkness of night, we have to install electric bulbs and connect them to power supply line. Simply installing light bulbs will not light up your house. Likewise, by the utmost grace of God, we have got this 'electric bulb' of the human body, but unless it is connected with the powerhouse of the true Spiritual Master, we cannot have Divine Light within.

20 July 2010


We do a lot of things from morning till night to keep our bodies healthy and robust. But have we ever thought what we are doing to make our spirit strong and robust? Everyone knows that our existence is based on duality. In other words, this existence has two aspects, body and soul. Then why do we bother so much only about the body and not about the soul? Now, the question arises as to how the soul can be developed. For this our saints and great Masters said,"Spirit or Soul is developed by receiving Spiritual Knowledge from the true Master and meditating constantly on the Holy Name.

19 July 2010


There was a villager whose wife had died, leaving him with an infant son. He used to clean a temple in the village to earn his food. After some years, that man also died. Now the child had no means of earning a living. The villagers gave him a nanny goat. He started taking care of her and his affection grew so much that he could not live even a moment without her. One day the goat went outside. When the child returned home and did not see his goat there he became very distressed. He wandered through the village asking people whether they had seen his friend. While he was roaming around village, he met a saint. The saint asked the reason for his grief, so he told him what had happened. The saint asked,"Was it your friend or your brother who ran away?" The child replied, "It is a goat whom I called my friend. I am searching for it". The saint said, " How did you come to think of that goat as your friend? this is why you are so upset. The truth is that only God is your true friend. If you have to search, search for Him". Seeing his true urge the saint imparted the Spiritual Knowledge to him. Then the child understood that the real purpose of life is to know the Supreme Power which is present within everyone's heart.

18 July 2010


Every king or emperor who ever came on this earth departed empty-handed. It is the law of Nature that life and death are the same for everyone. Our saints and sages glorified this human body because a person is independent in this body and he can do whatever he likes. He can do pious works; he can acquire the Spiritual Knowledge from the Master and free himself from the cycle of birth and death if he does meditation continuously.

15 July 2010

To Know Truth is the sole purpose of a Man

It is the duty of a disciple to follow the teachings of the Spiritual Master in his life. If we do not do so, then there is no use coming here. We should not get engrossed with domestic entanglements; rather we should tread the path as instructed by the Spiritual Master throughout our life with our daily duties. The disciple who follows the path of Knowledge as instructed by the Spiritual Master is successful in achieving the goal of life. What is the purpose of our life? This is what we have come here to know. Saints tell us time and again that all worldly relationships are momentary and they are not concerned in the least with that Supreme Truth, neither will they accompany us after death. All these relationships exist as long as we have life within us. The moment our life force departs from the body, all worldly relationships finish.

04 July 2010

The tremendous power within Man

If we examine human physiology we find more nerves than there are rivers in the world. Current flows through them like water in rivers. The body has more power at its disposal then the electricity company! There is no computer to rival the human brain. This is why man has been called the crown of creation. Man is a storehouse of natural treasures. Our bodies contain most minerals and metals. Illness is often a result of mineral or vitamin deficiency, which can be restored by an intake of the depleted mineral.

Man is a reflection of the universe, but his mysteries have yet to be solved despite centuries of research. All scientific miracles have their origin in the human brain. All the formulas, all knowledge are products of man's intelligence. Science is but the reflection of the tremendous power within man. But as yet, science has been unable to fathom man's secrets. What is a human being? He is a walking shrine, a living temple in whom dwells the living God.

People do not worship a statue until a particular ceremony (Pran pratistha) is held, during which it is believed that the statue is infused with life. In other words, they are actually worshipping the life force, while at the same time ignoring the same force within themselves. It is something to think about. If the life force within themselves departs they won't be able to worship that life in anything else. So before anything else, we should know ourselves. We should realize what we are.

~ Shree Satpalji Maharaj

03 July 2010


"Sukh ke mathe sil pare, jo nam hriday se jay,
Balihari wa dukh ki, jo pal pal nam ratay."
Happiness is not good if it makes a man forget the Holy Name whereas sorrow should be regarded as a very good thing and a blessing because it makes us remember God every moment.

02 July 2010


"Shraddhawan labhyate gyanam."
If a person has reverence, he will benefit from the Knowledge. 

01 July 2010


"Jati pati poochhe nahin koi,
Hari ko bhaje so hari ka hoi."
True-hearted people never bother for caste or creed. Those who remember God, become God's own. Saints do not carry the stamp of caste or religion. They simply want to uplift mankind. If a person accepts the teachings of such spiritually awakened saints, then he will be protected from mental turbulence and he will achieve salvation.