01 November 2009


In this world, someone reads the Bhagavadgita daily, another reads the Ramayana, and still others read the Koran. Is it written in any religious scripture to fight in the name of religion, to kill your own brother? It is nowhere written, so why are we still fighting in the name of religion, community or rituals? That is why it is most essential to understand Spiritual Knowledge.

We see how chaos and disturbance has spread all around. We read in the daily newspapers how school children were kidnapped, or how a villager killed another man from another village, or of brothers fighting among themselves. Just think about how rampant vices and criminal activities are today!
Where did the terrorism originate that we see in society? Our great Masters and saints tell us that all these firstly appear in the mind of man. If we want to wipe out malice and disturbance of mind then we have to look within and bring forth true transformation. Only when turbulence and instability are wiped out from the mind, will malice and unrest be banished from our society. When we are upset mentally, then our nature automatically becomes irritated and we say bad things to someone and hurt his feelings. If bad and malicious feelings do not crop up in our mind, then we will never be angry. Our life has to become a source of inspiration.

Great divine personalities come into this world from time to time. We tell stories about them to our children, we recite verses from the Ramayana in our homes so that the next generation can learn how such Masters led through their great self-sacrifice. Today we all need this same guidance. If we want to eradicate the darkness of ignorance, then propagation of Spiritual Knowledge is most essential. Only when we understand this are we true human beings.
What does it mean to be a human being? One can be called a ‘human being' if there is ‘humanity' within him. Don't think that we are human beings just because we nurture and expand our family, because we have feelings of love and kindness for them. Animals also have this potential of nurturing their offspring with love and kindness. Animals also feel love. Then for what do we call ourselves human beings? What is the difference between a man and an animal? If we examine it, we find out that one lion does not kill another. He may fight with an elephant but not with his own species. Only humans kill other humans.
We have broken all the rules of Nature, so how can we call ourselves human beings? True humanity is when feelings of love and kindliness have developed so much within us that we care not only for our problems or grief but also for the problems and grief of others and try to solve those. By the grace of the Almighty we have got this human body which is rare even for deities. God has given us the power of reason with which we have been able to accomplish impossible tasks. With the power of reason, man has reached the Moon. So we should always utilize our reason for good and positive work.
One has to develop the inner urge to know what Spiritual Knowledge is. This is the first step, but ahead of this is a long road. We have to receive Spiritual Knowledge from the Master and do as much meditation as possible. Then, by and by, desire, anger, lust, temptation and ego will be eradicated from our minds. Only then will we be able to understand the importance of Spiritual Knowledge.
So let's find out what our true human religion is. Let go of deceit and cunning and follow the path of Spiritual Knowledge revealed by the true Master.