has a large royal fort but it is vacant. The king who built it has left
this world, and he couldn't take his fort, palace, army or servants
with him. The same applies to us. The day that last breath departs, no
husband can take his wife with him. No wife can take her husband along.
No parent can take his child. No relative can go with you, no friend can
go with you. Only the spiritual merit you have earned through
meditation and devotion will go with you. So meditate on the Name and
build up your spiritual capital. The wealth of the Holy Name is such
that the more you utilize it the more it grows. Generally the more money
you spend the poorer you become, but the wealth of the Name is so
remarkable, it is so unique, that the more you use it, the more it
increases. So practise the priceless Knowledge which Guru Maharaj Ji has
given to you.