Kabir in his satsang spoke about a grinding stone. He said, "This stone
revolves and nobody escapes. When the wheat goes into the grinding
stone, it's crushed; there is no way out." Then his son Kamal stood up
and said, "Father, there is one way to escape. When I see the grinding
stone revolve, I laugh to myself. The grains of wheat closest to the center go uncrushed." Do you get the point or not? There's a pivot in
the centre. If you stay close to the center you will not fall in between
the two stones, so you will not be crushed. `Pivot' means the fulcrum,
the centrepoint, What is the pivot of the universe? You know that all
the planets in the solar system revolve around the sun. But the sun is
stationary. When an action takes place around a pivot, the pivot itself
is stationary. The wheel of a cart spins, but the pivot, the axle,
remains stationary. The ceiling fan revolves, but the rod it hangs from
remains stationary. In your life, all the changes, all the actions which
are taking place are happening around that entity which is unchangeable
in itself, because energy is unchangeable - it can neither be created
nor destroyed.