05 January 2010


During the rainy season a variety of insects hatch. As soon as you turn on the light at night they rush towards it and are burned to death. These insects are naturally attracted to the light which ultimately kills them. A spider spins its own web and then gets trapped in it. It cannot get out and will eventually die there. Flies rush to honey but their tiny wings get stuck so they cannot escape and they forfeit their life.
In the same way, almost as soon as a person is born in this world he gets trapped in a web of attachments and delusions. He is imprisoned in the mundane reality. Then Guru Maharaj Ji comes along to unchain him, to set him free, but a worldly-minded man does not pay attention to his advice, he does not even listen. If someone does listen it is only for a short time and as soon as he gets back into his daily routine he forgets what he has heard; he forgets what he was taught. Sooner or later he ends up thinking that he does not need Spiritual Knowledge and so he leaves the world. This is why he has to be reborn in a variety of life forms. He has to wander through the cycle of species. Spiritual Knowledge can deliver him from this dilemma, but in his ignorance he does not understand this.