in the form of dogma and belief is never absent from society, nor are
rituals and traditions. They become just another aspect of our social
life. Pandits, priests and mullahas keep them going and even modify
them. However, when spirituality disappears from religion, a spiritual
master appears on earth to elevate us beyond the level of ritual and
external forms of worship lead us towards true spiritual awareness. Such
Teachers reveal the perfect and pure Reality behind religion, which is
timeless and universal, and one and the same for all mankind. It is his
original and natural religion. This ‘core religion’ is at the heart of
all religions, it is the common factor in them all, and knowing it makes
one truly religious. That is why all saints and masters opposed the
external practices of the religions of their day and proved to their
contemporaries how false the current superstitions were. They turned
dogma into Knowledge, ceremonial worship into meditation, materialism
into spiritual consciousness, and enmity into love.