man lives such an artificial, unnatural life that he has forgotten what
he really is. He has lost touch with his own consciousness, existing as
nothing more than a lump of flesh and bones. He is content to limit
himself to material things. People nowadays have become so materialistic
and their consciousness is so degraded, that they are actually amazed
when they hear about spiritual things. The idea that the soul exists
confuses them. They pooh-pooh such ideas, calling them pie-in-the-sky
and mere figments of the imagination. They believe the untrue to be true
and consider untrue the living Truth, which is unchanging, eternal and
existence itself. There is only one kind of enlightenment, but there are
many kinds of ignorance. A totally materialistic person is virtually
insentient. There is hardly any awareness left in him. Such a person
regards only material things as being real.