18 November 2013


Earth contains so many elements and minerals, our crops grow in it. It gives sugarcane its sweet juice, and the pomegranates their deep red color and pearly seeds. Just think how many types of fruits exist, with an outside skin and inner seed or stone. How has Nature made all these things? Grass and hay come from the earth. Cows eat this and produce milk, which we turn into butter then ghee for cooking delicious sweets and pastries. What good things the earth produces - not for itself, but for you and me. Mountains, trees, rivers, earth and saints are described as selfless. Saints are the best of all. They dedicate themselves to serving others by showing them the way to salvation. It is written that even greater than Rama is the devotee of Rama. God is the ocean while saints are the clouds which carry its moisture. God is the sandalwood tree whose fragrance is carried by the breeze of the saints.