30 May 2010

The Way to Salvation

               Being with a gyani, a knower of Truth, makes seeds of devotion and services germinate in the heart. Infinite power is hidden in this seed of devotion, and this power is already in every human being. Meditating on Knowledge makes it manifest itself. Fire is hidden in a match, but friction is needed to make it spark. Likewise, the 'fire', the 'spark' of Knowledge is ignited through the 'friction' of breathing.
               If you look at the ocean from above, the waves on its surface make it seem turbulent, but the deeper you dive in, the calmer you find it to be. If you dive deep enough, you even find pearls. The ocean has endless water, but the size of your container determines how much of it you can take. Satguru is like the ocean. The more open you are, the more sincere and ego less you are, the more bliss you will be able to experience. Infinite bliss is here for the asking, so why limit yourself?

              But to have this ultimate experience, which is beyond happiness and sadness, you have to find the Satguru and know the way to be tuned to Infinity. The highest Reality is infinite, so when you attach your mind to it, you also become infinite. This is Knowledge, this is to be experienced. This is meditation. It is possible when you take the shelter of the Spiritual Master. He is the link between you and God. He can hook you up to the engine which is driving the whole Creation. This is the way to Salvation.