19 May 2012

Shri Satpal Ji Maharaj

Have you ever wondered what will go with you from this world? Your body will be burned to ashes; it will return to the elements whence it came, so how can you say that it belongs to you? Once something has been taken from you, it is of no furthe use to you. Something which is ultimately going to decay or be reduced to ashes will not stay with you forever. Your real wealth, your real capital, is that which can never decay, which death can destroy, which fire can not burn. What is that wealth? It is the amount of meditation on the life force which you have done. This wealth, the wealth of meditation, never decays. The energy of God is omnipresent. For example, radio waves pervade the atmosphere, they are inside your home, so why do you not hear them? you will say that you need the proper receiver, tuned to the right frequency. In the same way, saints and sages have always taught that God is an omnipresent Power, but cannot be experienced  until you know the right method. God is everywhere, in every speck of matter, but only the one who has the eye to see can see Him. Only someone who knows the technique of spiritual insight, who has the eye of inner vision, can realize what that Power is.