13 November 2010

Remember the Holy Name

A farmer gave a bag of seeds to each of his sons and said, "Keep these safe." One son kept the bag in a locker. The second son thought that if the bag was kept in the locker, the seeds would rot, or be eaten by insects. So he ploughed an entire field and sowed all the seeds. After some time, the farmer called both his sons and asked them to give the seeds back. The first son went inside the house, opened the locker, took out the seeds and put them in front of his father. The farmer opened the bag and saw that all the seeds had turned to dust. The farmer asked his second son to bring his seeds. He said, "Father, I need a bullock-cart to bring those seeds, because I sowed them in the field. Then I harvested a crop and sowed more seeds. In this way they kept on multiplying."
Similarly, if we sow spiritual knowledge in our lives it will multiply over time, it will keep on increasing. If we keep it in a locker, it will not grow, it will not make our lives meaningful. That is why devotees who have acquired the knowledge should sow it in their lives. Remember the Holy Name, because, as Guru Nanak said, "Kaliyuga has come, Kaliyuga has come, remember the Name, remember the Name."