04 July 2010

The tremendous power within Man

If we examine human physiology we find more nerves than there are rivers in the world. Current flows through them like water in rivers. The body has more power at its disposal then the electricity company! There is no computer to rival the human brain. This is why man has been called the crown of creation. Man is a storehouse of natural treasures. Our bodies contain most minerals and metals. Illness is often a result of mineral or vitamin deficiency, which can be restored by an intake of the depleted mineral.

Man is a reflection of the universe, but his mysteries have yet to be solved despite centuries of research. All scientific miracles have their origin in the human brain. All the formulas, all knowledge are products of man's intelligence. Science is but the reflection of the tremendous power within man. But as yet, science has been unable to fathom man's secrets. What is a human being? He is a walking shrine, a living temple in whom dwells the living God.

People do not worship a statue until a particular ceremony (Pran pratistha) is held, during which it is believed that the statue is infused with life. In other words, they are actually worshipping the life force, while at the same time ignoring the same force within themselves. It is something to think about. If the life force within themselves departs they won't be able to worship that life in anything else. So before anything else, we should know ourselves. We should realize what we are.

~ Shree Satpalji Maharaj