25 April 2010

From the Ramayana

God says, Now I will tell you the nine forms of devotion. The first is fellowship with the saints, and the second is marked by a fondness for My stories. Humble service on one's preceptor is the third form, while the forth consists in singing My praises with a guileless purpose. Meditating upon My Name with unwavering faith constitutes the fifth form. The sixth consists in the practice of self control and virtue, desisting from all manifold activates and ever pursuing the course of conduct prescribed for saints. He who practices the seventh type sees the world full of Me without distinction and reckons the saints as even greater than Myself. He who cultivates the eighth type remains contented with whatever he gets and never thinks of detecting others' faults. The ninth form demands that one should be guileless and straight in one's dealings with everybody, and in his heart cherish implicit faith in Me without either exultation or depression. Whoever possesses any one of these nine forms of devotion, be he man or woman, or any other creature, is most dear to me.