31 July 2014

St. Tulsidas said

Suicide doesn’t just mean killing the body. Its real meaning is losing oneself in indulgence and preferring insignificant material possessions to spiritual treasures. St. Tulsidas said, “You may be the richest man in the world, and your dominion may stretch from sunrise to sunset, but what is it worth if you can’t take it with you anyway?”

30 July 2014


Modern man lives such an artificial, unnatural life that he has forgotten what he really is. He has lost touch with his own consciousness, existing as nothing more than a lump of flesh and bones. He is content to limit himself to material things. People nowadays have become so materialistic and their consciousness is so degraded, that they are actually amazed when they hear about spiritual things. The idea that the soul exists confuses them. They pooh-pooh such ideas, calling them pie-in-the-sky and mere figments of the imagination. They believe the untrue to be true and consider untrue the living Truth, which is unchanging, eternal and existence itself. There is only one kind of enlightenment, but there are many kinds of ignorance. A totally materialistic person is virtually insentient. There is hardly any awareness left in him. Such a person regards only material things as being real.

29 July 2014

When Spiritual Master appears?

Religion in the form of dogma and belief is never absent from society, nor are rituals and traditions. They become just another aspect of our social life. Pandits, priests and mullahas keep them going and even modify them. However, when spirituality disappears from religion, a spiritual master appears on earth to elevate us beyond the level of ritual and external forms of worship lead us towards true spiritual awareness. Such Teachers reveal the perfect and pure Reality behind religion, which is timeless and universal, and one and the same for all mankind. It is his original and natural religion. This ‘core religion’ is at the heart of all religions, it is the common factor in them all, and knowing it makes one truly religious. That is why all saints and masters opposed the external practices of the religions of their day and proved to their contemporaries how false the current superstitions were. They turned dogma into Knowledge, ceremonial worship into meditation, materialism into spiritual consciousness, and enmity into love. 

28 July 2014


There is a plant from which we get a very soft cotton. When the flower is closed, birds don't know that there is cotton inside. They think that there is something good to eat inside that flower, but when they put their beaks inside they get only cotton, nothing valuable. The cotton flies away and the birds don't get anything. They regret having stuck their beaks inside those flowers and wish they had done something else. In the same way, we think that there is something very beautiful and worthwhile in this world, that there is happiness in this world, but when we put our beaks into it we find that the world is as insubstantial as that cotton, and it flies away from us. There is no happiness, there is no peace, in this world. The world is just like the flower of that plant, just like the cotton that flies away; in it there is no reality. And just like that bird, we will regret it later.

27 July 2014

Aspects of Religion

Every religion has two aspects. The first is its external forms i.e. its theology, ceremonies, rituals, traditions, mythology etc. This is the social or collective aspect, which is the source and sustenance of the culture and civilization of a nation, and from which springs its literature and arts. It endows the entire community or nation with a collective consciousness and provides a harmony and balance in social life. It also provides lifestyle, ideology and beliefs.

Even so, this is the secondary aspect of religion-its by-product. When someone is ignorant of the inner Knowledge, and has no practical spiritual realization, he doesn’t know how to control his mind and instincts, so some kind of code of ethical and righteous behaviour must be imposed to control external eruptions of the individual’s ego and desires, and to keep him within the bounds of morality. This aspect of religion is external, not internal; collective, not personal. Although not too inspirational, it does serve the purpose of keeping individuals in check and societies regulated.

26 July 2014


Satguru is like a boatman who ferries you from one bank of the river to the other. He takes us across the ocean of worldly existence. Only a seed, which dissolves itself in the soil, can grow into a plant. When a devotee dissolves himself at the Master's feet he is liberated.

Original Capital

We run after Maya and we build up mountains of attachment for material things. But a saint called Kabir said, "Listen, my friends! Ultimately nothing stays in your grasp. You will lose everything, even what you have." If you construct a palace of attachment and desire for worldly things, then you will never get anything. Nothing will stay in your hands. You will even lose whatever capital you have, never mind about increasing the capital or getting interest on it. You will even lose your original capital, which is this human life. It is so valuable. It has been given to you by the grace of God.

25 July 2014


People think that they can know the Truth, the Spiritual Knowledge, by traveling all over the world, or learning many languages and cultures. But the saints have said that the Knowledge of the Truth is beyond our mind and intellect. So how can one know this Knowledge through mind or intellect? This path is very subtle and it is the path of love. But what kind of love? Not the love of a mother for her child or a child for its father or a husband for his wife, for this worldly love one day dies or is destroyed. But love for God, love for that Power, is permanent and everlasting; it never dies, it is never destroyed.

24 July 2014

How to receive Knowledge?

Knowledge of God cannot be obtained by cleverness or money. You cannot get it by earning a lot of money or by intellectual exercises. You can only get this Knowledge with the help of a saint and only when you ask with a pure and guileless heart, without any ego, with an open heart, just like the pure open heart of a child. When you come and ask for this Knowledge with purity, honesty and sincerity, without any arguments and with your questions or doubts removed, then alone can you receive it.

23 July 2014

How to realize God?

Human beings come into this world, so the Lord or a saint also comes in human form just to guide them, but they lose their chance to get Knowledge because they don't recognise him. St. Kabir said that everyone in this world knows that they have to leave it, but no one knows where he has to go. Do we know where we must go after we die? Nobody knows and that is why saints come into the world. Kabir said that when a spiritual Master gives this Knowledge to a person, then he sees pure, shining light within, shining all the time. He then realises the Holy Name and sees the Divine Light, and that comes from continuous devotion. Krishna said the same thing when he told Arjuna, "I am not experienced or realised by religious rituals or by giving alms, by reading scriptures or by worshipping idols. I am only realised through the continuous devotion of a devotee."

22 July 2014

What is real Knowledge?

What is the religion that we should not leave? People come and go; every day we see people coming into this world and leaving it. So what is real religion? ? What is real Knowledge? What is the true religion which is within, which we must know and not leave? The real knowledge is within. Guru Nanak said, "The Holy Name is with you while you are sleeping, it is with you while you are sitting, while you are standing." That is the real Name which we must know and meditate on. That alone is real, and other things are our own creation, and they are unreal, non-existent.

21 July 2014

There is only one way to reach God.

People say that there are various ways to reach God. They say, "Follow any path and you will realise God." But they don't understand. There is only one path. All human beings see with their eyes; there is only one way to see. There is only one way to hear; all of us hear through our ears. There is only one way to eat; all of us eat through our mouths. And there is one feeling common to all of us - that we are unhappy and don't get happiness in this world. Then how can there be different paths to reach God? All these things prove that there is only one way to know God, to reach God.

20 July 2014


You can't get oranges, apples, or sugarcane just by reading about them in books. Similarly, scriptures describe the Knowledge of the Soul but they don't contain that Knowledge. You cannot get Knowledge by reading them, just as you can't get an orange by reading about it in a book.

19 July 2014


Devotion can be practiced and understood by everyone, regardless of caste or education. Mira Bai says, “You may or may not get a human birth again.” But most people don’t understand the value of human life. They think that it is meant only for enjoying material pleasures. This is not entirely their fault, because when they go abroad and see huge skyscrapers, wide streets and large factories, etc., they measure a country’s progress by these things. But they do not think that all these things will have to be left behind once we die. As a fallen leaf cannot be joined to a tree again, so the human body is not available again once it dies.

18 July 2014


It is written in the Mahabharata that once Yudhisthira asked the elder statesman Bhishma, “How can one get peace?” Bhishma replied with this example: Once a king made his elephant drink a lot of wine, then went on it for a ride. On the way, the intoxicated elephant threw the king off. He was terrified and ran for his life. He fell into a well and was caught up in the roots of a fig tree. After a short while, the elephant reached there, trumpeting. Meanwhile, the king noticed that one black and one white mouse were eating away the root which was holding him up. He looked down and saw many snakes and scorpions waiting to bite him. On the other hand, the mad elephant was waiting outside the well to kill him. However, the king saw a beehive. He opened his mouth hoping to drink some honey. He forgot everything except how sweet the honey was.
The king represents the individual, the mind is the elephant, attachment is the wine. With these a person comes to see the world. Here the mind has thrown the individual into the well of rebirth. He is being supported by a very thin root which is his life-span and which is being cut shorter by the mice of day and night. As soon as his allotted time comes to an end he will go back into the well of rebirth where he will have to suffer various kinds of miseries arising from lust, anger, greed, attachment and ego. The poor creature hopes that he will get happiness some day, but he doesn’t get it. Thus, his life comes to an end. Beings can get rid of these vicious elements which make life a misery only during the human lifetime. You can only hurt yourself in the dark. Birds and animals cannot remove darkness. Only man lives in light. He uses electricity or a lamp to remove the darkness.

17 July 2014


In rural areas, a millstone is used for grinding grain, while large mills produce varieties of flour to cope with the demands of the cities. A poor man eats simple food and excretes. A rich man eats sumptuous meals and excretes. So regard the poor man as a millstone and a wealthy man as a flour mill!

A large silkworm produces more silk than a small silkworm. So we can call the poor man a small excreta-worm and the rich man a large excreta-worm! “Life is decreasing with every second. It does not increase by even a single second. It comes to an end in no time.”

We celebrate birthdays. People think that they are growing in years whereas actually their lives are getting shorter! Childhood is followed by youth, which is passed in merry-making. But youth soon fades into old age.

16 July 2014


It is human nature that he wants to dominate others. He accuses others for his misfortunes. The lack of tolerance among human beings has created lot of human problems. Inspite of the fact that man wants to live in peace. He is always in state of turmoil. One individual wants to dominate others, one race is fighting with others. The nations are on war. All the human problems and world crisis that we see around us is in fact the reflection of the ego and vanity among the human beings.

15 July 2014


The ego centered behaviour stands for dominance rather than tolerance as our style of interacting with others. Making the change from dominance to tolerance requires disciplining ego and listening to your sacred self. The transition from dominance to tolerance is specially difficult because the desire for ego satisfaction is very strong. Ego centered personality does not want to give up dominance over other. Your higher self will gently take over when you no longer control others. You will begin experiencing unconditional love, and in the process you will finally find the peace that you crave.

14 July 2014


To move towards tolerance that your higher self encourages and away from your ego-driven need to control and judge, you will have to examine the qualities that sustain a tolerant approach to life. With tolerance you become more in tune with your higher self as you forsake the stubborn demands of ego. To develop tolerant attitude you require a keen observation of the working of your mind, and awareness of the subtle operation of the ego. You have to bring a change in the habitual ego responses to different life situations.

13 July 2014


To become more tolerant and less controlled by your false self, start practising being satisfied with what is. Your ego is never quite content. If you choose one thing, your ego will persuade you to consider something else. If someone you love acts meekly toward you, your ego wants that person to be more assertive; if that person is assertive, your ego decides to dislike assertiveness. You eat too much, you start thinking about how nice it would be to be thinner; go on a diet, and all of your thoughts will be about food. If you stay at home for a long period, your ego start telling you how nice it is to travel; go on the road, and you start thinking about how nice it would be to stay home. You're in a relationship and begin to imagine it would be nicer to be uninvolved; you're not in a relationship, and you start wanting to be in one. Your children are running around the house and you start thinking about escaping; you aren't at home and think of nothing but your children.

12 July 2014


If you identify with this kind of inner dialogue, rest assured that ego has temporarily separated you from your sacred self. In its ongoing program to convince you of your separateness, it needs to separate you from oneness with the center of your being. Then it can keep you in that state of trying to dominate and control others and take you away from inner balance and bliss. If you are separated from the awareness of your higher self you cannot achieve the state of inner balance and bliss.

11 July 2014


As you begin listening to your higher self in quiet and contemplative moments, you begin relaxing and taking the pressure off. You stop the false thinking that everyone in your life needs to be dominated or controlled by you or that others must live up to your expectations for you to be happy.

10 July 2014


People are the way they are, and you need to dominate or change them in any way is the edict of your false self. Your ego is, as usual, trying to convince you of your separateness. It also doesn't want you to catch on to how it is controlling your life, so it convinces you that if you don't dominate others, they will get the best of you.

09 July 2014


Ego projects its controlling attitude on others to keep you from seeing it at work within you. At the same time, it causes you to view tolerant people as controlling attitude on others to keep you from seeing it at work within you. At the same time, it causes you to view tolerant people as controllable. Clever ego gets you coming and going. It gets you into dominant behaviour to hide its way of controlling you and at the same time it makes you dislike the tolerant, controllable persons. Why would you ever want to choose tolerance with this model?

08 July 2014

Ticket to Freedom

Your higher self has absolutely no need to dominate anyone or anything. This is the ticket to freedom. Right now, though, in this very moment, your ego is working to convince you that higher self and tolerance are ridiculous ideas. Ego will argue that tolerance means permitting criminal behaviour and health and social problems. Your higher self can see beyond this logic, so of course you can too. If you are willing. 

07 July 2014


You won't choose tolerance if you are unable to get free of those false ego beliefs. But when you gain the awareness that all of us are connected in this universe—with the same divine intelligence running through each and every one of us—and that the higher self is knowable and real, then all the surface satisfactions of dominating, controlling and judging others become unappealing.

06 July 2014

Love and Harmony

Your higher self knows that letting go of intolerance does not imply endorsement of evil. The evils that exist in the world are independent of your opinion about them. We will eradicate evil and bring peace to the world, not by judging others but by radiating love. If you let go of judgment and the inclination to dominate and control others, you are able to replace hate and intolerance with love and harmony.

05 July 2014

Mother Teresa

When Mother Teresa was asked if she would march against the war in Vietnam, she replied, "No, but if you have a march for peace. I'll be there." When you become peaceful within, that is what you will have to give away. When you are dominated by your ego, you dominate others. If there is no inner harmony, there is no outer harmony. Ego needs the illusion of enemies in order to control you. When you are controlling others, it is because you have permitted ego to be in control.

04 July 2014

Intolerance and Judgment

The paradox here is that you will affect the world in the ways that you wish when you cease trying to improve conditions with intolerance and judgment. It is only when you are not controlled by ego that you can choose to not control others. What you believed was power when you dominated others was actually the external activity of ego controlling you.

03 July 2014

Learning Tolerance

Your impact on the world at large begins with the smaller world of yourself. You will foster freedom and peace when you are free of ego's control and know the peace of your higher self travelling the path of the sacred quest. One of the first steps along your path is learning tolerance by practising seeing the world as it is rather than as you demand it to be.

02 July 2014


Truth is always one and the same, but there are many ways of expressing it. There is only one truth, but realized souls explained it in their respective ways and languages. But plurality of languages does not mean plurality of truths. What is Supreme Entity which all saints came to tell us about? For thousands of years, since Vedic times, scriptures have been available to us. So why did great souls have to come into this world? What is the need for divine incarnations?

01 July 2014

Guru Pooja Mahotsav

Guru Pooja Mahotsav ( 11 - 12 Jul 2014 ) 
  Timings : Evening 6-9 PM
  Programme Venue :-
   Satlok Aashram,
   Near gang nahar bridge,
   Muradnagar , Ghaziabad ( Uttar Pradesh )


It is a very basic and significant question, and only when we think deeply about it will we understand its mystery. The Vedas, the Bible, the Upanishads and the Koran have long been available to us, so why do we need saints and holy masters? It seems to mean that as long as man cannot practically experience spiritual knowledge for himself, there will always be a need for enlightened souls in this world. In other words, we need the assistance of enlightened masters because we don't understand the deep and secret meanings of the scriptures. I have met religious scholars who are so learned that if you give them one word they'll complete the whole verse for you. You can take a line from any part of the Ramayana, and they will complete the whole section for you, including all the couplets and verses. They have mastered the scriptures. Accomplishing this feat can affect a person in two ways: He can think that he knows all there is to know, and that he doesn't have to be taught anything, or he can feel that there is something else he ought to know which is beyond the scriptures. Scientists do research and experiments, but none of them will say that he has discovered all there is to know. If they thought like this, then there would be no more inventions and no more Nobel prizes. Science keeps on developing and discovering new things. If this did not happen, it could not advance. Socrates' admirers used to say to him, "Sir, you have attained great heights, you are very wise and intellectual. How did you become so great?" Socrates answered," Because I know that I know nothing"