One should awaken in the remembrance of God. When you see God, sleep and laziness will vanish instantly.We should ask ourselves whom are we required to awaken and to what one needs to awaken.
Who can be greater than Lord Shri Ram and Lord Shri Krishna? They also took shelter in the Master of their time. Even though the riches of the three worlds belong to them, they also served their Master. Whoever got salvation, got it by serving their Master.
The one benefit of bathing at a holy place is that we meet many people and the body is washed. By meeting a saint, one acquires four things, which are extremely difficult to get. But when one meets the Master, he benefits in so many ways.
Devotion to the Master is extremely difficult, like the sharp edge of a sword. If a sword walker teeters left right, then he is sure to get injured or killed. Only a determined and firm person will reach the finishing line. In the same way, a devotee should not waiver.
There is no one who is your own in this world except the living Spiritual Master. In this world as well as in the world hereafter, only He is your true friend and relative. So, a person should acquire His Knowledge.
If a person knows the real form of his soul then he realizes Knowledge. This Knowledge redeems him not only from corruption but also from the fear of death.
God is present within everyone. He is known by the soul and not by the human body. Power of God manifests in pure mind only and this purity alone is instrumental in enabling us to walk the spiritual path.
Prostrate at the feet of the Master and salute him millions of times. A bhringi wasp catches an ordinary insect and transforms it into another bhringi wasp like itself by emanating a continuous humming sound. In the same way, the Master makes an ordinary devotee like Himself by making him remember the Holy Name and meditate on divine light.
Maybe you can produce ghee by churning water, or oil from sand. Maybe such things are possible, but no one can cross the worldly ocean without meditating on God. This is definite. Without Spiritual Knowledge, no one can get salvation.
Self contemplation is not possible without Spiritual Knowledge because Spiritual Knowledge is beyound the limit of alphabets and language. This Knowledge can be imparted only by the living Spiritual Master of the day. Only after experiencing the Self within is contemplation possible.
Self contemplation is not possible without Spiritual Knowledge because Spiritual Knowledge is beyond the limit of alphabets and language. This Knowledge can be imparted only by the living Spiritual Master of the day. Only after experiencing the Self within is contemplation possible.
Devotion to God is as beautiful as the crest jewel and the heart within which it resides, is illuminated. The divine Light shines day and night and doesn't need lamp, ghee or wick.