30 April 2011

Shri Hans Ji Maharaj

As dirty clothes are not cleaned by washing them with mud, so the effect of dirty actions is not cleansed by doing various worldly actions. The mind and heart is purified by devotion after acquiring Spiritual Knowledge of desire-less and selfless actions.

29 April 2011


Today we are talking about universal truth which is one and the same for all, which does not make a person narrow minded rather frees him by breaking all barriers and narrow outlook. It is said, " Bhakti swatantra sakal sukh khani. Binu satsang na pawahin prani." Devotion is independent and it contains all pleasures and happiness but is not attainable without satsang. The prejudice which makes us narrow-minded which entraps us, cannot make us free, it cannot redeem us.

28 April 2011


We have all been made by God. You may call Him by any name. There is one sun in the sky. So many names in different languages have been given to it but there are not multiple suns, nor does it shine for any specific caste, or for specific community or for a particular country. It gives energy to all human beings, animals, birds, trees and the entire creation; it gives light to all.

27 April 2011


When grace rains down through satsang, there is rejuvenation. Our deficiencies due to ignorance and worldly desires are wiped out and we gain merits of purity and goodness. The basis of satsang is:
"Jat pat poochhe nahin koi,
hari ko bhaje so hari ka hoi."
"Do not bother about caste and creed. Those who remember God belong to Him."

18 April 2011


You all must have heard of the Ramayana. In it St Tulsi Das says, 'Raka pati sodas ugahi tara gan samudaya sakal girinah dib laiye bin rabi ren na jaye' - "Even if the full moon and all the stars were shining together in the sky and all the jungles on earth were set on fire, the darkness of night would not yield except to sunrise". When the sun rises, darkness vanishes and the light from other sources pales in comparison. In a similar way, when one receives Knowledge from Satguru, japa (chanting), tapa (austerities), puja (prayer rituals), patha (reading scriptures), yagya (fire ceremonies), and havan lose their importance for him. The Satguru gives the knowledge of Divine Light. Apart from Divine Light, which can be experienced by human beings only, light from all other sources can be seen by the entire animal kingdom as well. Only human beings can see the Divine Light. But Mandleshwars, Mahamandleshwars and Jagatgurus are not aware of this Divine Light. They teach that we should recite mantras, perform rituals and go on pilgrimage. Let me tell you, all this serves no purpose unless and until we experience the Divine Light in our hearts. We are, as a rule, advised to remember God using different names. But I ask whether your mind can be controlled by reciting these names? Realization of the true name of God is necessary for concentration of mind. Unless and until we realize true Knowledge or see Divine Light in our hearts, the rigmarole of reciting mantras, reading scriptures and going on pilgrimage is absolutely futile.


17 April 2011

Wake Up

This is the time to wake up. "With closed fists you came into the world. With outstretched hands you will leave." Therefore you must ask for the Knowledge. He who asks, finds. He who searches will definitely receive. What is the condition of people today? Everyone says he has to go, but where will you go if you don't know your destination? So go to the saints and get peace there. There is no doubt that you will find peace there. If you don't find the way to peace within yourself, then where will you find it? Today man is thirsty and is crying, "Quench my thirst!" Until you get water you cannot quench your thirst. Therefore, understand this Knowledge and quench the thirst of your soul.


16 April 2011

Realized Souls

Guru Nanak says, "Satguru gave me the salve of Knowledge to obliterate the darkness of ignorance. By the grace of God, I have met the saint and my mind was enlightened." You must find that same salve of Knowledge so that you can destroy the demon of ignorance and darkness which has enslaved everyone. That must be done. Where can it be obtained? It can be found in the company of the realized souls and saints of the time.


15 April 2011


The Mahabharata war resulted from the insult to Draupadi, whose clothes were torn from her. How many ladies, like Draupadi, are being insulted like that every day! How many Draupadis are being harrassed every day! But see, Draupadi remembered God, and said, "Lord, you have saved my honour." A time is coming similar to the time when even such virtuous ladies as Sita and Savitri were tested. You too will not be bypassed. Man's mind is becoming so turbulent that people are becoming more afraid. People want to cut each other's throats. They say, "Oh, if we die, what does it matter? Death will free us from suffering." That has become the mentality of mankind. What is the reason? There is a path of peace but people don't have the time or interest for it.


14 April 2011


When you wake up in the morning, upon what do you concentrate? Is it a person's duty to eat food at night, and take breakfast in the morning and that's it? The human body is a very great thing. Gods beg for it, saying, "We want to obtain the human body so that we can progress. We also want to change." Human beings are very powerful. What is our duty? To eat, drink and be merry? Animals also do that. Therefore, where can we learn how to meditate? It can be obtained through the saints, but what should we concentrate upon? Unless we have the object of meditation, we won't be able to concentrate. Unless you find the Lord who is the object of worship, how will you have single-pointed devotion? The condition of man today is like that of an unmarried girl who is asked to concentrate upon her husband. How will she do that if she doesn't yet know who her husband is? So our condition is one of bewilderment.


13 April 2011


When Ramakrishna Paramhansa was alive, people didn't let him live in peace, and today huge monasteries are built in his name. Today huge temples have been built to Mother Sarada, who guided such a man as Vivekananda. I went to Cape Cormorin and saw the huge statues of Mother Sarada and Vivekananda which have been built there in the sea. I said, "O God! When realized souls come, man doesn't recognize them, and now he consoles himself with stone statues." But contentment of the soul cannot happen like that. Satisfaction of the soul can only occur when you know the spiritual master. Lord Krishna said to Arjuna, "Go to the realized souls, prostrate to them, and with a guileless heart ask them for the Knowledge. When they are pleased with your service they will give you Knowledge."


12 April 2011

Lord Budhha

Realized souls have kicked aside all the wealth of the world. King Ashok killed so many women's husbands, and the women themselves were preparing to fight the king. Ashok said, "No, I won't fight you women. I won't take up weapons against women." The king then thought, `Alas, what have I done! I have wiped out so many people. If I would save rather than kill, what a noble reputation I would have.' After that he met a Buddhist monk, and through the Buddhist monk his mind was completely changed. That same king who slaughtered thousands of people said, "I take the shelter of Buddha." The way to unify society and realize of peace really is with the great souls, but mankind doesn't know it. You should know what that essence is, that thread of love by which all are tied. In the company of saints such a technique exists.


11 April 2011


Who sustained us when we were in our mother's womb? Think about that! When a child is born, the head of the family says, `Alas, family problems are upon me.' But who protected us when we were in our mother's womb? Keep in mind that if we were protected there, why won't we be protected in the outside world? We will also be protected after birth. After coming into this world we get milk from our mother's breast, and as we grow the Creator provides sugar cane and fruits, and so many other things for us to eat. But then there is pride, and man becomes intoxicated through pride. Really, what is life? It is said, "With closed fists you came into the world, with outstretched hands you will leave it."


10 April 2011


You see, your household runs even in your absence. No matter which day death comes, on that day work will also be going on, and it will continue whether you exist or not. The motivating energy continues to operate. Man is making a multitude of useless burdens for himself, and even while saying. `This is mine, this is mine,' he leaves the world.


09 April 2011


If people won't save each other, then who will? It is only man that can give the knowledge that will save man. Great souls say to them, "Other lamps are lit from a burning light." That is why it is called a living flame.


08 April 2011


Experience and know that power lying latent in the heart, that hidden flame. The Lord explained it and showed it to Arjuna It changed his mind and prepared him to do his duty. This is the importance of the great souls. They save humanity, give them love, and show them the path.


07 April 2011


What are we? Are we men or devils? What is the energy that we are made of? Is it mortal or immortal? People must decide about this. What is keeping us alive? We should understand that. The great souls were also human beings. They attained such a power that they are immortal even though they are not present in the body. They understood that primordial element. Wealth, property and children can be obtained in the bodies of other species also. If you become a king's elephant, then a seat worth thousands and millions of rupees rests on you. If you become the dog of a well-to-do lady, you can sleep on soft cushions and drink milk.


06 April 2011


If you want to tame a wild horse you have to mount it and take the reins in your hands. When you take the reins in your hands, all its strength comes under your control. So the mind is like a horse which you can bring under your control by using the Word as a bridle. The Word is that thing which can never be destroyed. It is eternal, and for that reason Hindus say, "We are eternal, our knowledge is eternal." Did that immortal wisdom teach you hatred? Did that immortal wisdom not teach you to love? Therefore, simply by not knowing reality, the element that creates unrest in our lives is increasing today, and the element of peace has become hidden.


05 April 2011


Will peace come from just crying for it? Where will peace be found? Look at your own life. Even your old age is passing you by. So many times you have seen fighting between India and Pakistan. Just see the Bangladesh war and the Chinese war. You have passed through so many struggles, so much friction, but you haven't achieved control of the mind. You have become a slave of your mind. You dropped the reins of the mind, and so what happened to the mind?


04 April 2011

Fourth Grace

The fourth grace is self-effort. In the Gita, Lord Krishna says that we can be either our own best friend or worst enemy. If a person chooses a low lifestyle ('adharma') he does himself great harm and ultimately degrades himself spiritually. On the other hand, if he follows the path of knowledge he will achieve higher levels of consciousness.


03 April 2011

Third Grace

Third is the grace of the master. Scriptures are undoubtedly very important, but the living spark of divinity is transmitted by the perfect master. It is only through his grace that the sacred and the secret knowledge of the divine is revealed to the disciple.


02 April 2011

Second Grace

The second grace is the grace of scriptures, which lay down the guidelines and map out the path one must follow to peace and enlightenment. Reading the scriptures motivates us to know not only the purpose of life but also the way to achieve it. The scriptures provide a balance, a higher perspective, without which human society would be all the poorer ethically and morally. The scriptures teach that there is a higher life beyond the mind and senses which gives immense bliss, peace and understanding.


01 April 2011


First is the grace of God who gives the jiva - the individual spirit - the gift of a human form in the first place. It is a great blessing. It is the gateway to salvation. It is only in a human body that we can commune with God, the highest goal of life. The knowledge of good and evil, of righteousness and unrighteousness, falls within the human domain. Man can scale the heights of nobility like Buddha and Christ or degrade himself to levels lower than beasts.
